Friday, May 29, 2009

Fine Friday...

Happy Friday! It has been a beautiful day and I am visiting a friend so we took advantage of it and roamed the town square nearby. We sat outside behind a little coffee shop in a sort of court yard-like area... and the comments that followed soon after were focused on the amazing ability that we have to fully relax in public places... feet propped, eyes, closed... completely oblivious to everything around us. Someone could take our stuff... ehhhh but who cares, we'll call the bank ...tomorrow (this has pretty much been the mindset all day).

The one thing that I regret today is that I didn't bring my camera along! AHH! So frustrating, I never have it when I want it. The square was so unique, perfect for one-of-a-kind photos. 

I guess I'll just embrace the next moment.

Tonight we are going to catch a Beatles tribute band.... heck yes. AND it is free, heck yes.. can't by ME love, baby.

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Hello! I'm Sarah Esther and I am a portrait and wedding photographer in Atlanta, GA. I absolutely love being able to witness moments worthy of capturing. Photography allows me to capture truly beautiful moments, and for me is a form of worship. Capturing pictures of those things that God has created invites me to love him more. For More of my work, please view my website:
