Friday, June 11, 2010

What are you thankful for?

Today is Friday and I think that can leave us all thankful for at least something. We can be thankful that Saturday isn't technically seen as a work-day, therefore we can slack-off or take-off at will. Or, if you usually work on Saturday's, like me (woo hoo wedding photographer), you can be thankful that you have something to do tomorrow that gives you a paycheck. Holler if you like getting paid!

This morning I made it a priority to sit down and write out the things I was thankful for. You may be thinking that my list was sophisticated and sentimental, and at parts it was...but I definitely wrote that I was thankful for coffee and the couch I was sitting on (because, let's face it... those are some things that hold us up when the going gets tough!). And that list (even the less-than-sopisticated-things) has allowed me to start out the day pretty darn cheerfully.

So make your list.


5 things...



  1. yes holler to getting paid for hard work! ;) I promise I will make a list this morning. I should carry it in my purse to remind me throughout the day and when I'm gone. It's easy to get dragged down by life, so reminding ourselves to be thankful and grateful for our blessings is so important.

  2. Off the top of my head...

    1. coffee (on cup #2)
    2. the Celts won last night (2-2, we are still in this!)
    3. good friends
    4. sunshine (which we haven't seen much of these days in Beantown)
    5. Friday!

    Have a good weekend!

  3. Gratitude...its so important, couldn't agree more!

  4. Sarah-this is a great habit to get into!
    5 things I am thankful for today:
    Time with my whole family.
    Summer weather.
    My baby's laugh.
    My husband's huggs.
    Guacamole dip.-he he
    Happy weekend!



My photo
Hello! I'm Sarah Esther and I am a portrait and wedding photographer in Atlanta, GA. I absolutely love being able to witness moments worthy of capturing. Photography allows me to capture truly beautiful moments, and for me is a form of worship. Capturing pictures of those things that God has created invites me to love him more. For More of my work, please view my website:
