Tuesday, April 27, 2010

In honor of GLEE

I have a special place in my heart for this TV phenomenon that is 'Glee'. I was definitely not the athletic one in high-school, but I can recite a mean monologue :) What can I say, I'm ridiculously cool. Show choir/Drama/county productions were our thing (by 'our' I mean myself and my group of drama-friends). Great times were had... and honestly, what you see on 'Glee' is pretty much true-to-size of what happens behind the scenes! Drama club was full of drama; would we be true to ourselves if it wasn't? Oh...and everyone dated everyone -annnnnnnnnnd we would break out into random song and dance at the lunch tables. Just sayin'.

Well in honor of Glee, and in honor of my friends... I wanted to share with you this link for the Glee auditions. If you didn't know already, well now you do, Glee was holding an open casting call for those around the country to score a spot on the show. I have some crazy-talented friends and one of them decided that she'd try out the at-home video and uploaded an audition! May I introduce you to Lydia Myers, my friend of 20 something years (seriously)!

GLEE,Glee auditions

Click on this link to view and VOTE for her!


  1. Awesome! I think it's so neat how they are holding open auditions like that! If I could actually sing I might audition ha!

  2. This is too cute, I just clicked over...but the site was down due to maintenance. Will check back later and vote for your adorable friend! Wish her "break a leg" for me!

  3. that is so awesome! I adore Glee. I just tried the link to vote for her but couldn't find the audition on the site? any ideas?

  4. get out! that is so so cool ...never knew you were a drama person:D
    off to check out her audition..

  5. no way!! good for her!!!
    ps: come come to London!! :)

  6. I heard about this contest... so amazing! Voting for her :)



My photo
Hello! I'm Sarah Esther and I am a portrait and wedding photographer in Atlanta, GA. I absolutely love being able to witness moments worthy of capturing. Photography allows me to capture truly beautiful moments, and for me is a form of worship. Capturing pictures of those things that God has created invites me to love him more. For More of my work, please view my website:
